Flower power nana

Flower power nana. She is a market researcher, knocking from door to door with her touch screen questionaire. Quite a SF novel character if you give her the right context. I would see her chatting with Dazeley‘s Prince Albert


eerie final

In January 2011 all England was covered in snow and halted to a stop! My husband and I decided to drive from Dewsbury, Kirlklees to Hebden Bridge for a coffee. We got lost and ended up on the “scenic route”.

At the moment between day and night we felt do eerie as you could not distinguish the hills from the sky…

Ehxibiting at Dewsbury Library’s Art Wall 19 May 2011

People. Places. People live and leave their life imprint on places. But neither is eternal and neither is just what meets the eye. There’s stories, dreams, fantasies, secret worlds woven between people and places, and this fabric flows in the winds of time… Secret world photography captures for a while, like a butterfly in your palm, tender patterns on the fabric of time.

And, being part of time, the prints will change and fade onto unique hipstamatic images, challenging you to love them in new ways, more tender, than the first passion that made you bring them into your world.